TC-280F is a stainless steel vacuum chamber machine ideal for sealing vacuum pouches used in the food, pharmaceutical or electronic industries. THis unit does not need an external compressor for operation. Simply place the vacuum pouch into the chamber with the open edge across the sealing bar. Close the lid and start the cycle and the lid will automatically open when cycle is completed. Vacuum time ranges from 15-30 seconds.
TC-280F vacuum sealer is CE certified and assembled in the US. The vacuum pump is designed and manufactured in Italy.
We recommend this sealer for customers iwth light to medium applications. For heavy duty applications (all day continous packaging), please refer to the TC-420 series
- Maximum Seal Length - 11.8" / 6mm
- Easily fits in most spaces; compact
- Stainless steel construction
- Durable aluminum seal bar
- Acrylic plastic lid
- Vacuum pump designed and manufactured in Italy
- Maximum Seal Lenth - 11.8" / 6mm
- Voltage - 110/60Hz / 1ph/12AMP
- Chamber Depth - 2" +3.7"
- Vacuum Chamber - 14.1" x 15.1"
- Net Weight - 115lbs