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Foil and Clear Stand Up Pouches

- Convenient tear notch
- Elegantly maximize shelf space over traditional packaging
- Zip lock is an option on our 1oz and 2oz sizes, standard starting with our 4oz size and up
- Flat Surface allows for easy labeling
- Excellent for dry goods such as cookies, nuts, candies, etc.,
- Vapor and moisture barrier properties extends shelf life
- Gassing Valve Available
- Color Foil - PET/FOIL/LLDPE - 5.4mil
- Kraft Paper - KRAFT/FOIL/LLDPE - 5.6mil
- Two-Sided Material - Poly Side: PET/LLDPE - 5.2mil / Foil Side: PET/FOIL/LLDPE - 5.4mil